
My Patchwork Coat Project

Close up of several colorful buttons

Buttons and pockets

Two years ago, I decided it would be cool to have a coat decked out in buttons.

Then I thought, wouldn't be great if it were really colorful, too?

Haven't I always wanted a coat with infinite pockets?

a zippered orange pocket above a flapped grey-green pocket on the side of the patchwork coat

Coat creation

And so the Patchwork Coat Project was born. I picked up a purple suede coat from a thrift store to use as a base. My sister gave me a fantastic selection of unique buttons, and I nabbed a few more myself. I began collecting scraps of fabric: old shirt sleeves, halves of socks, leftover bits from my grandmother's quilting projects, the pocket from an ancient pair of jeans.

The base coat flared out in the front and didn't close well, so I had to add a good amount of fabric there. Still to do is a better lining. I also added buttons and loops so the front could be fastened closed.

front of a very colorful patchwork coat

buttons and loops on the front of a patchwork coat

The sleeves, similarly, weren't long enough -- like the cuffs I added?

side view of patchwork coat

the back of a very colorful patchwork coat

Nearly all the sewing was hand-sewing, too, given the fabric involved. Plus, I think it looks better.

closeup of stiches

closeup of buttons, patches, stiches

part of a coat collar

The coat doesn't quite have infinite pockets, but with twelve and counting, it's coming pretty close.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - tags: art colors projects textiles


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